Jan 25

My experience at the Women’s March on Washington: Let’s get radical!

Women's March Daily Tribune

My Women’s March experience makes front page news in Bartow County, Georgia’s Daily Tribune.


When 76 percent of the county where you went to high school voted for Trump and your father has the instinct of a publicist, your experience at the Women’s March on Washington makes front page news–and gets more ink than the residents who attended the inauguration!

At least that’s what happened today in The Daily Tribune, Bartow County, Georgia’s only daily newspaper. As a graduate of Cartersville High School, I’m honored to share my perspective with the town of my adolescence.

I emailed my reflections on the weekend’s historic demonstration to features editor Marie Nesmith on my way home to Miami from D.C.

Here’s an excerpt from her story or you can read the full article at The Daily Tribune’s website.

“The rally and march was a total adrenaline rush. There were so many great signs and chants. The message was inclusive and intersectional and powerful. We marched slowly with a crowd up Independence Avenue along the [National] Mall, past the Washington Monument and toward the White House. There was a small band playing patriotic music at one point and a group carrying a giant Constitution for people to sign. When we reached the White House, we made it all the way to the gate and it felt so empowering to be at the foot of the White House with this crowd demanding our voices be heard.”

For Benowitz, the recent presidental election and the Women’s March have underscored her interest in advocating for civil rights.

“It’s been reported that three times more people attended the Women’s March on Washington than Trump’s inauguration and 3 million people marched worldwide,” Benowitz said. “It was the largest presidential protest in U.S. history. I knew a lot of women would show up in D.C., but I was overwhelmed by all the marches across our country and around the world. What a strong statement of resistance.

“On Sunday, I walked past the Newseum on the Mall, which displays the front pages of newspapers from every state, as well as national and international. Every newspaper, except for maybe two, had the Women’s March as front page news.

Walking though the National Portrait Gallery’s American President wing, which turns into the Civil Rights wing, on Sunday was also powerful. It was filled with women in town for the march and on the walls hung nothing but portraits of white men. The disconnect was jarring in the diverse America we live in today. But to see the Civil Rights wing, after having participated in the protest the day before, I felt connected to a legacy of fighting for social justice and equality in our nation, and I felt extremely proud and humbled.”

Read the full article at The Daily Tribune. Let’s get radical! Join the loving revolution! Peace! Thanks Dad!

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